Niya Finch: The Honest Socialite
Niya Finch, or Javie, has been on Second Life since 2011. However, she's made an account before but never used it due to playing sims. She used to be a model who would model products for the designers of Second Life. Now, she has taken a step down and enjoys her time on Second Life as a Socialite. We decided to catch up with her and find out how she is feeling about her old modeling career, the new path she has chosen and the LGBTQ+ community.
Have you ever been on IMVU? "Yes, I came to SL from IMVU. I was very very lowkey on there and didn't know many people just the people I joined SL with."
Did you have any social media accounts for IMVU when you were active in 2011? "No, it wasn't much of a thing back then as it is now."
Are you still active on IMVU? "Oh no I haven't been on that thing in years never looked back I don't even know what my name was to be honest."
What do you enjoy doing the most on SL? "The thing I enjoy is the great people I meet that I wouldn't have met if it wasn't for me being on here."
What would you say your fav activities are on SL? "My all time fav thing to do is make videos that is what inspired me to join also modeling back when it was a thing on here I was featured in many stores."
Are you involved in any stores, businesses or organizations on Second Life? "It was long ago though most of those stores are gone, like Zon3. I am now not involved in much like I use to be, but I am getting back into it."
What are your referring to when you say getting back into it? "Yes networking with businesses and such, For my sister Liz Milan I made a short clip of her make up launch event which got a good amount of buzz."
Are there any events or popular gatherings on SL? "Yes, they are exclusively Second Life events invite only and strict guest list."
Are they usually parties for designers or socialites? "Yes and no it’s more socialites that carry themselves in a mature up class manner, no acting out of character of any drama. Being a designer isn't required to attend, but you must act a certain way and enjoy yourself."
Would you say that there are any specific social structuring on SL? "Yes, of course, there is Second Life is almost like going back to high school again. You have; the designers, the trolls, bullies, bloggers, and copy botters."
How do you feel about the LGBTQ+ culture on SL? "The LGBTQ+ culture on SL is very disappointing and lacking in everything none of the people in the lifestyle are very friendly and to keep it real they mostly all hate each other."
What was the scene on SL like? It was very cutthroat and judgmental if you do not dress act and look a certain way then you will be talked about.
Have you had the same experience with the LGBTQ+ Community on IMVU? "I was never apart of that community on there so I'm not sure how they would do things but from what I see on Social Media they have more unity than SL does."
Have you ever dealt with any inequality or unfairness? "Most likely have but all SL people do is sub others on IG or FB, so I do not entertain anything that doesn't have to do with a prosperity outcome. They only win if you fight with them and make yourself look just as stupid."
What would some of the dangers of dating be? "Being exposed to your RL and personal information, also being stalked. It happens all to much, and it is the reason I didn't date for a very long time until I found the person I am with now."
Do you believe in crossing worlds? "Well, that's is what most people prefer to do, But me, on the other hand, I am not a fan of that, and I wouldn't do it. I see a lot of long-lasting relationships form from Second Life even marriage, but it just isn't for me."
What are some pros to the SL community? "The pros are that the LGBT are very creative and most are designers some of the best talents we have on here."
If you want to follow Niya then you can follow her on on her Instagram!
Disclaimer: the personal views and opinions written in this post are from the writer and do not always express the professional opinion and views of Verve X Magazine.
Interviewer: and Tamekah
Photos: Niya Fench IG
Copy Editor: Somiar