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These days...

"I’ve been preparing to create new collections. To be completely honest I’ve been kind of indecisive on what to create next, due to having too many ideas at once!"

What keeps you active on the virtual platforms?

"There are only two reasons why I am still active on IMVU: my family and creating! I really enjoy making new products and keeping up with my family!"

What achievement are you most proud of?

"Honestly, I have been truly blessed and my list of accomplishments have been steadily growing. My biggest accomplishments on IMVU are: becoming a wife, a mother and having successful businesses!"

What is your life motto?

"My life motto is, “Stay blessed, never stressed!”. I feel like the key to happiness is just having a healthy and balanced life. For everything that falls under the category of stress, just try to find a way to turn it into a positive force in your life. Before you know it, blessings will be in abundance around you."

What’s next...

"So far, 2018 has been an extremely successful year for me as influencer and as a business. For the remainder of this year I’m hoping to balance RL and achieve my virtual goals (opening an official storefront, releasing more collections and working on being a better person)."


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