Six Unspoken Rules
Second Life, like any other community in life, has many unspoken rules. Thoughts that I personally feel like would be an unspoken rule are as followed...
1. Do not add me as a friend unless we are actually friends.
Now, this is a huge no-no for me because, more than likely, we will sit on one another's friend list, I will constantly get pop-up of you getting on and offline and, personally, I absolutely HATE notifications. Especially unnecessary ones. If we are dealing with each other on a one-time basis, I just don't see the point in keeping that direct line of connection.
2. Walking into someone's home or plat uninvited and/or taking photos there.
Now I have to admit, I have been one of those noobs who actually did that, lol – I was caught and exposed for it too! When I started SL, I immediately began blogging and, as a baby blogger, I didn’t always like the backdrops that I had and would regularly explore other sims to take photos on, whether it was someone's personal home or not – DO NOT do that! Coming from IMVU, I didn't know if they’d care because my thought process was just like, “Eh, it's just a pixel home, who cares.” WRONG! Some people care, some don't. It is invasive and sort of exploiting as well. If you want to use someone else's property, just simply ask.
3. Mass TPing.
That is incredibly annoying. If you are having a party and just want to invite your entire friend list, send a verbal invite first and, please, do not spam store groups with the landmarks. Just simply create an invite and post it on your social media like normal people – if people want to come, they will.
Those are all of my personal hard rules. I’ve taken to social media and here are a few responses from peers...
"Tell your personal info"
- @afktwigs "If a bitch drops down as the noob man.. RUN"
- @blondezillaaa
(Translation - It's a copybotter coming to steal your identity)
"That people need to stop acting as if they're almighty because of an avi & making a mockery of mental illness."
- @yanisian
"Stop rezzing and leaving you s*** on peoples land."
- @chinese.rouge
"I guess this goes for both vu and sl, but wearing demos to take photos."
- "Popping up and peoples plat without an invite or heads up. Not to mention the
ones that inconspicuously move in and rez s*** that they don't pick up."
"Thou shalt not cometh unless sendth foe. then you can ignore the tp."
- Alani Divine, Facebook
"Must have at least a conversation before sending a friend request."
- Jorquill Luik, Facebook
"Don't be a douche cause I said no."
- Apple Glendale, Facebook
Disclaimer: the personal views and opinions written in this post are from the writer and do not always express the professional opinion and views of Verve X Magazine.