Cross' Family Resolutions
What is the most memorable experience you had with your family last year? CandiiCross: Mine is Halloween, I took the girls trick or treating in a snoopy room with tiny houses, We took lots of pictures and spent a couple hours together messing around. It got even better when Ry took us to a different room. It was special and memorable to me because it’s hard to get us all together at the same time so those small moments are the ones I cherish. RyzenCross: For me besides the day that our kids were born, I would have to say the very first time we went shopping as a family. It was so much fun seeing our different personalities in what we like to wear, but of course, the girls wanted me in a pink shirt. Actually, they wanted me in pink everything. HoneyDewIt: My most memorable experience with my family would have to be the wedding between my mama and papa this year. We all got together as a family and finally made our bond official. KazueScarlet: Well, I've just joined this wonderful family so I’m going to answer; Getting invited into the family home and feeling like I have always been part of this family.
What kind activities do you enjoy doing as a family? CandiiCross: For me, taking photos, going to the zoo, and meeting at our house to talk about our day. RyzenCross: For me, it's just plain out being silly with them. It is nice to unleash your inner child when it comes to your family. so my fav activity with them is play time! HoneyDewIt: What I enjoy most with my family would be just the time we spend together at the house, no matter what we are doing we can always make it fun. KazueScarlet: The daily stuff, even grocery shopping is a fun activity with my family!
How do you deal with the problems you faced in your family? CandiiCross: We always try to hear everyone’s side of the story, then sit down with everyone and have them work it out with a bit of adult direction. RyzenCross: Well I am the more passive out of the two of us when it comes to our kids. Maybe too passive. My wife, I swear in her past life was an Amazon warrior. But we talk things out sometimes in more than one session. Because we both realize that when people are hot-headed it's not the best time to tackle problems. HoneyDewIt: All of my family's problems can be solved with lots of love and patience, that's all it takes to understand one another. KazueScarlet: With love and good communication.
What are you looking forward to in the year 2018? CandiiCross: More babies! RyzenCross: In 2018 I look forward to not only upgrading hour house, business, activities and such but to upgrade me. Being a better father and husband, more understanding, a bit wiser. Maybe getting my hands on future daughters boyfriends to make them feel “welcomed” of course -smiles- HoneyDewIt: I'm looking forward to expanding as a family this coming year, never too many members and we never run out of love to give.
KazueScarlet: Making memories and enjoying whatever is set on my path.
What is your message to all the families on IMVU? CandiiCross: My message is to have fun, don’t take things too seriously, and that loyalty and respect are what makes a great fun loving family! RyzenCross: My message to all the families in IMVU... Stick together, understand that you are all different in your own way and that it is not always about you. Build that trust, get to know each other on a deeper level and do not let the little negative things snowball into something huge. It won't be easy, but in the end, it will be worth it. HoneyDewIt: I think that all IMVU families need to have and appreciate loyalty in their members, it's what keeps us all together. KazueScarlet: Don't forget that we all are human and we all need love, trust, and loyalty to each other.
Disclaimer: the personal views and opinions written in this post are from the writer and do not always express the professional opinion and views of Verve X Magazine.
Interviewer: Clyana Copy Editor: Somiar
Photographer: Geonix