Grow Your Family: Part 1 of 2
Being a parent is one of the greatest blessings a person can ever experience in this world. Be it through traditional means or through adoption, surrogacy or any other way in the world. There is nothing more magical and terrifying than being a mother or father, taking care of this whole little person who completely depends on you to take care of them and raise them to be the best they can. For many, as our child or children grow we feel the need to expand the family just a little bit more, and start thinking and even talking about expanding. What many do not realize there is so much more than just simply adding another to your family; I, myself was one of those who did not realize it, until my husband and I had begun to talk about expanding.
The first thing that needs to be addressed is your reasons for expanding. We all have several reasons but how do you know when your reasons are really how you feel, and the right choice for your family? Through the discussion and searching of my own my husband and I found the following questions needing to be addressed.
1. Why are you wanting another child? What is your reason for wanting another child? Is it because you miss when your child was young or because everyone around you is having a baby? Or is it because you feel there is something missing in your family a piece of the puzzle that hasn't been added yet? Did you ever think or consider how many children you wanted -- either on your own or with your spouse?
2. Does your current living situation allow for another little life to thrive? How big is your home? If you chose to expand would you need to move to a new home? Can you afford to? These are things that have to be considered before expanding any family. If the answer to any of these is no, it doesn't mean you can't ever expand but that instead of trying to have another child work towards a way to change the living situations to allow another life.
3. What about child care? For this look at how your current child is being taken care of. Do one of you stay home and take care of them or do they have a nanny or daycare. Or for those who have school age children can you afford a nanny or daycare for a child? Does your son(s) or daughter(s) go to an after school program that also has a daycare or younger child care facility?
4. Am I Ready For Another Baby? This is a big one. I went back and forth with this question for a while before we made our decision. If you feel overwhelmed with all you have on your plate either with your child or work or life itself it is not recommended to try just yet. Never let pressure from your spouse, society or even your sweet child asking for a sibling into doing something you are not quite ready for.
If after all these questions you are still wanting to have another baby, it is time to get excited! The next step, of course, is if you have not considered these topics or questions with your significant other, then most definitely do so. This is a decision that affects both of your lives. Do not do this all in one evening. Meditate. Go through it all slowly, and thoroughly. Take your time and then once again, if after all this you still feel this is the right choice for you, it is time for the next step.
[Continue Reading On Grow Your Family: Part 2 of 2]