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Neighbor's Exclusive.

Neighbor, personally known as Julian, is 22-years-old and residing in Florida as a pre-med college student. On IMVU, he is known for creating dope rooms, streaming, and for his bright colors, however, as stated in an interview with Verve X Magazine,he is actually passionate about creating male clothing. How did Julian get to where he is today? Read on!

Neighbor IMVU

When did you start creating?

Last August. I was paying for VIP, so I thought why not try out creating. What do I got to lose? I started doing rooms first because I like to stream and take pics; that motivated me.

Did anyone help you to start creating?

One of my friends, Richie, helped me a lot. He’s not on as much anymore, so I’ve been looking and seeing how I could go on. I started looking at videos and seeing what type of things I can do to improve myself, and now I’m trying to make avatars.

Have you Considered joining a developer group?

I did have my own dev team – Rare, but it didn’t work out. I couldn’t keep up with it, with my RL and everything else. I give people props, truly. Especially if they got a team, because it’s a lot of work. Now, I rather do my own thing.

Like many others, Julian often spends time with close friends and was a frequent streamer when the infamous photostream was alive. Now, he’s more focused on his quality Instagram feed where he has photo-editors to help him make his pictures come to life. When asked about his inspirations behind his Instagram pictures, he stated,

“I love neon, that’s my favorite thing. I also just be in shop and make it happen. Like, right now it’s Halloween, so [I do] a Halloween one. But, I like classy or neon; I just want it dope and for people to like my pics.”

Thanks to Instagram, it’s no surprise that Julian has been in multiple public relationships - some lasting a few weeks to years. Julian responded,

“In every relationship I’ve been in, I learn to grow and be a better person; that’s all I can do. I grow from my experiences and they all taught me to be a better person.”

What is your current relationship status?

I am currently single and at the moment, I’m not looking for anyone; I’m just going with the flow and trying to better myself.

What do you look for in a girl?

I look for someone that we try to make each other better and we’re down for each other. She would always try to uplift me and vice versa. Also, family; I want someone that can vibe with my family because they mean the world to me. I just like someone who is kind, it’s not always about looks but how a person is.

Being in the public eye opens the door to many rumours, misconceptions and assumptions. When asked Julian about the biggest misconception he thinks people have on him, he replied, “People think that I always have relationships or that I’m cold. It’s not that, I just live life and do what I feel like in the moment. I’ve been through things, so it’s hard for me to be an open person to people I don’t know.”

“At the end of the day, I’m a person like everyone else.”

What has been a rumour you have heard about yourself?

I guess about my personal life. People saying lies about it or wanting to know about it; I’m a private person now because of everything.

Do you want to get into specifics about that or clear the air?

Not really. I guess like saying I move on quick, I don’t. I just go with the flow or where life takes me. Maybe people see it as wrong or think that’s bad, but it’s my life. People will always think that but they don’t even know me.

Although Julian is now a private person, he does have a few people he considers as very good friends, one of them being Jakethedoctor, he quotes, “He’s a good editor. We have a bromance; we’ve been best friends for a long time. Thanks for always being there, you’re the best bro.”

Julian has been on IMVU for three years and creating for one, he’s opened up to us that he has been “Kinda moving to SL,” but relax everyone, this decision is not definite:

Is your move to SL definite?

No I’ll still be on IMVU to create, be with close friends and family. I feel like SL got more things to do than IMVU. I am trying to open my horizons and I also be with my best friend Jakethedoctor.

Will you be creating on SL too?

I don’t know, I got a lot to learn. I got some people that could teach me. But right now, I’m just exploring it with my family and taking pics; getting the hang of it.

How is IMVU different to SL and vice versa?

SL provides more freedom, while IMVU restricts you. People can be more open sexually, like IMVU you got AP, but there are still restrictions on poses and everything. SL is just more real and you can walk and fly. You can have a house, not just being a room; you can actually move like a real person. There’s also a mic for people to talk if they want to.

Is SL more expensive than IMVU?

It is definitely; your avatar will be like $40-$50 but then you don’t have to spend anymore because you don’t got to change every day like on IMVU. Getting a house is up to you; making your avatar is the expensive part.

Now, Julian focuses on creating three to five products every week for IMVU. His products range from rooms, to male clothes and depends on the current season, holiday or his mood. He is currently working on a new avatar with a knife and when asked him where he finds his inspirations to create, he responded, quote, “Pinterest, Pacsun or Express. I got different styles tbh, sometimes I like to be classy and sometimes I just want to be chill. I just got to find something that inspires me and draws to me.”

Do you look up to anyone on here when it comes to creating?

I look you to Variano; I like his shop a lot and Quantum, they got dope clothes and they are very different; I like fashion and futuristic things. Also, Pookie who is a good friend of mine. She does good work and doesn’t let people bring her down.

“Even when you’re down or feel alone, be positive; you can do it. Anything is possible. Go for the goals and have good people on your shoulders. My family are the people that always give me that energy especially my mom.”

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