Catching up with BottomNXS
We had the chance to catch up with one of the hottest creators of the moment BottomNXS. We spoke about why she started creating, if she has ever felt like giving it all up, to the process that goes into her creating.
What did you experience when you first started creating? When I first started creating it was kind of difficult to get help. No one really wanted to help, and I felt YouTube wasn’t enough. It was like Creators were a group that had a kind of secret society that wasn’t letting any new members in.
How did you overcome it? I overcame it by not giving up. I eventually met a couple of cool people that gave me tips.
Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Of course. I have felt like giving up a few times. My big break in learning how to create was when a friend of mines took time out of his day to teach me how to use gimp. That was the key to it all. To learn how to use a graphics program.
What made you not give up?
Well, once you start things started coming easier. And as you go you learn with experience. You get captivated with learning and seeing the things you’re creating. I honestly just wanted to learn more and more.
What is your vision when you create clothes? My main reason I began creating was when I found out RL money can be made from it. My vision is RL. I literally create what I see within RL. I grew up hood and a lot of my supporters did also, so I create a lot of urban style, but I am trying change it up to more grown and sexy for 2018!
Do you have specific creators you look up to? Yes, I look up to so many creators, but mostly to my NXS family because we all started around the same time, and we have all bloomed into well known dev’s.
When you have an idea how long does it take you to create that idea? It depends on the idea. Sometimes I have an idea that I will work on for days on and off until I have it how I want it, but most of the time it takes me a couple of days to do a full collection for my main shop. I buy and sell files. So, on my lay days I will go look for file sales just to see if there is anything I can edit and submit quickly.
Disclaimer: the personal views and opinions written in this post are from the writer and do not always express the professional opinion and views of Verve X Magazine.
Copy Editor: Somiar
Photographer: Kongan