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Things To Improve In 2018

2018 is finally upon us. I have complied a small three simple things you can do to help you improve/motivate you within 2018. Let’s begin!

Write your goals down

There is no better way to motivate yourself in the new year than writing your goals down! Consider what you want to achieve during the year. Maybe have your parents help you with it as well! It builds up your character and also your confidence in yourself as you go on to finish the list.

Look for new hobbies

May it be in arts, dancing, or singing, it’s your choice! Find a hobby that you feel comfortable with, or try and go out of your comfort zones and try new things.

Go outside more

In the past years, the kids often spend their time on the internet rather than playing in the sun. Gone are the days where the kids used to run around and get dirty. Make it a new habit with your family! Spend more time outside instead of toddling around on your phone.

Disclaimer: the personal views and opinions written in this post are from the writer and do not always express the professional opinion and views of Verve X Magazine.

Writer: Clyana

Copy Editor: Somiar

Photos: Sacker

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