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Greek 2017 Recap

2017 has officially come to an end. We thought it would be the perfect time to have a recap of 2017 with some of the greek community to learn some of the most memorable moments of 2017 to some of their plans for 2018.


IISiro – Omicron Phi Gamma

I'm Tee, Sr. Alpha Wolf Confident of Omicron Phi Gamma. I am the treasurer and secretary.

What would you say is your most memorable memory of 2017?

I would say the most memorable moment was when we revamped because it made us come together when everything was falling apart. We put our differences to one side to bring something much bigger and better to IMVU.

What is next for OPG?

We will be having a ball for new years and the flyer for it will be out soon.


Yearly – Psi Omega Pi Sorority

I'm Nunu, Founder, and President of Psi Omega Pi Sorority Inc.

What is it like to be a founder of your own sorority?

It's a gift. Being a founder has its ups and downs but it is bittersweet. I love my girls with all of me. They are the first priority when it comes to anything involving POP.

What is your most memorable memory of 2017?

It would be our first Queen coronation ceremony with our last line, The EOS. They were crowned in front of their loved ones and received their Queen title. It's a new tradition we will continue.

What was the highlight of this year?

The highlight of the year would be when we did a stream with Chi Gamma Pi (CGP). We did a stream called "Art of Women" displaying the art of beauty in different shades wearing black and white embracing each other and having our bodies in beautiful art forms


iiR3ckS – Alpha Omega Sigma

I'm known as #01 Titan Cronos. My organization is called Alpha Omega

Sigma. I am also the Co-Founder and VP.

What is your most memorable memory of 2017?

The most Memorable would probably be our launch party a lot of orgs came and showed a lot of love. I'm just grateful for all the support we got early on.

What was the highlight of this year?

My highlight would have to be was when I was making all our gear to start off. I love

creating something that's new. I always have a lot of ideas.

What is next for you AOS?

Well, I can’t say too much, but just be watching out for us, we have a lot of different stuff falling into place, with a lot of different orgs so stay tuned for all the positivity we spreading in 2018.


Svpio – Omega Tau Psi

I'm #51 Big Brother Impetuous and my role in OTP is keeping and growing our brotherhood as well representing my frat in

the greek community.

What is your most memorable memory of 2017?

I had the most fun with our newest line members pledge week it's always my favorite. I also love getting to know and partake in all of the Greek events that have happened this year with all the new greek orgs that came out.

What is next for OTP?

There will definitely be more events. Of course a new line. I’m also looking forward to doing collabs with other orgs. Most of all standing together in our Greek communities you know, as brotherhood not just to ourselves but to all greeks we want to be more of an example, of strength, courage, and unity.


lnquired – Iota Xi Psi

I am Brandi. My sorority knows me as Enchantress Asherah. I am also the Founder of Iota Xi Psi.

What is it like to be a founder of your own sorority?

It's rewarding seeing people come together and learn to better themselves and you teaching them how to do that. It can be stressful at times because if stuff doesn't get done it falls back on me, but it only makes me stronger as a person. I enjoy it at the end of the day because it's not like I'm in a position of power or anything it's more like I'm guiding them so we are essentially learning from each other.

What is your most memorable memory of 2017?

We are still pretty new but, honestly, when we were only one month old and we got nominated for two awards from the Greek Grammys. It was nice seeing people recognize us and all our hard work. Even if we didn't win, we appreciated being nominated.

What is next for IXP?

We are starting a movement in January called the peace, love and unity movement and, basically, we are going to invite all greeks to participate. We feel like there isn't enough positive representation in the Greek world so we want to be the group to implement that. We are going to have topics each month such as constructive criticism, separating personal from organizational issues, dealing with negativity etc. so that we can help not only our group but others as well

Zroia – Delta Tau Psi

I'm Linka and I'm the Lead of Pledge and Recruits with Delta Tau Psi.

What is your most memorable memory of 2017?

Every year is a recap to reflect on what DTP has done but I think the biggest was the whole D9 thing with real sororities and just surpassing any negativity that has come our way.

What was the highlight of this year?

I would say the highlight is our new sisters that have joined.

What is next for you all?

There is always something big for DTP. But you will just have to wait and see, 2018 is going to be full of surprises.


Disclaimer: the personal views and opinions written in this post are from the writer and do not always express the professional opinion and views of Verve X Magazine.

Writer: Tamekah

Copy Editor: Somiar

Photos: @imvunewyear

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