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How To Get Over A Break Up


We all know that breakups can be tough. We also know that getting over your ex isn't an easy thing, but breakups can change your life in a positive manner.

Everyone handles breakups in different ways; some shut themselves inside, eat ice creams and cry. While others go out, travel, learn something new and make themselves busy. It is okay to use either one of these methods.The first few days, or weeks, are pretty hard while you are still absorbing the reality of the breakup in that period of time. The first thing you should do is to

dispose of all their things, including any gifts they had given you.

Then, let it all go; let yourself cry. Do whatever you want to do, but don’t put yourself into a complete depression. Go hang out with friend and/or family, go to bars or if you want to be alone for a while – treat yourself, go see a movie or go to a day spa. It isn't easy to pull yourself together and remember it’s okay to feel lonely. The best advice for you is to find yourself during this period of time.

Whatever you do, never ever text your ex when you’re

drunk. Yes, you will get emotional and you’ll feel vulnerable, but texting your ex will not help any of this. One common method to overcome texting your ex is to write letters to your ex but to never send them, this will get out your emotions. If you ever wanted to write them a song, do so now but don’t spread it on social media. Speaking of social media, stalking your ex will only put you back to step one in the breakup. As a result, making it even more difficult for you to move on.

Yes, getting over the breakup will take time. If getting over a breakup for you is rebounds and simple hookups, then you do that! If not, then that's okay. The point is to do what helps you as an individual. This will may be a long process but meanwile, you should do whatever you want to do.

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