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Helping Arms Adoption Center

In our very own little IMVUniverse, kids play a huge role in providing the reality experience to our worlds. The quest for the right fit with each son or daughter can sometimes be a harrowing one. Thankfully, we have Tasha Smith, Miss IMVU Universe 2017, and proud owner of IMVU’s largest and most active adoption agency, “Helping Arms Adoption Center.” Verve X Magazine got the incredible opportunity to sit with the mastermind to chat about roots in the business, the need for family, and how she managed to stay afloat through all the challenges.

What inspired you to start The Helping Arms Adoptions Center?

The concept for the adoption center came about when I kept having IMVU kids and adults messaging, inviting or following me to rooms, asking to be apart of my family. Knowing that I cannot adopt every single person, I decided to ask others if they were looking for children and started helping from there. Eventually, I opened an adoption Chatroom which became a bit difficult to manage with so many people coming in and losing their names to re-contact. That's when I decided to begin the group a few months later.

What are the ups and downs of having an adoption center?

There are many ups and downs associated with owning and adoption center, for me, managing is a greater challenge when you are doing everything yourself. One up I can definitely identify is the ability to give people the opportunity to become apart of a family here on IMVU. Especially when IMVU kids and parents find the right family that and form a lifetime bond. The downside would be when some individuals join the group only to look for a family to support them financially or become very rude or disrespectful. I think it deprives the parent or child of finding someone who is really looking for a connection and bond to create a strong and loving family.

Is there a specific way you deal with family hoppers?

Dealing with family hoppers is an issue that affects many families. Therefore, I specifically set up each application to assist those searching to filter out who is looking for that connection. Some assume that kids with very little inventory can be a hopper, which may not always be true. At times, those with many items do hop around also. That’s why it's all based on the Trials. The trials give both parents and child the opportunity to know each other or attempt to know each other. One day or week is not sufficient to know someone, but close to a month, you would pick up on subtle pros and cons of having someone in your family that can be good or a bad. The trials are specific to dealing with family hoppers.

What is some feedback you’ve received about the group by the adoptables and the adoptees?

To date, I have had many parents and children express their deepest gratitude for creating a space where they were able to find the right family member for them. Some have also suggested assisting in the search for siblings, which I have also incorporated into the adoption group also. There are also those who complain about the wait in their search as they can not find someone that fits into their family which will hopefully be addressed soon.

Do you think having a family on IMVU can have an impact on a person?

Yes, it most definitely does! See, when you interact with others here you form a connection and a role within a family. Now, this role would be the best you that you can put forward. If you’ve had a bad day and you get online, your family is your comfort and stress relief; you are going to feel comforted and talk about what stressed you out; and then you are able to get over whatever has been affecting you negatively or celebrate in another case. In my opinion, as I also have an IMVU family, you build your personality and eventually it will transcend into your real life.

How do you deal with the drama that occurs in groups from time to time?

I try my best to resolve all issues and drama that occurs within the group. I ask that they both message me the issue privately and depending on who may have offended another then we resolve it. For those that are based on trials and they had drama I ask them to allow themselves to get past it, as if that was the family or child for your family then the drama may not happen, so treat it as a sign that the right one is out here for you. For those who can not abide by the rules of the group, they are removed immediately. Especially when it comes to bullying and trolling.

How did you manage to continue your center for years?

I continue to manage Helping Arms Adoption Center for so many years by continually analyzing how successful the current application and adoption process works. If there is something that is not working well, I update the information or adjust the process. For the past 3 years, I update all applications to be applicable to the current IMVU lifestyles; for example, the child or parent who role plays as an adult and a child on the same account or another. Now the application allows the individual to include this information along with if they are open to adopting or be adopted by someone who dual role play or have kids. So updating is important to adapt to the changes on IMVU to ensure our group continues to be relevant and useful to the members.

What is your message to the families that are formed because of your group?

To all Helping Arms Adoption Center successful and to those who are currently searching I want to thank you for allowing H.A.A.C. to be apart of your search. I am truly blessed and grateful to each of you for the success of the group and I hope that you will continue to suggest and invite other members who are searching or now starting a family. Without each of you this group would not be the size it is or as successful. Thank you!

“I am truly blessed and grateful to each of you for the success of the group…” - Tasha Smith, owner of Helping Arms Adoption Center

Interviewer: Clyana

Interviewee: iMrsFutur3TNR

Writer: NabilaHomage

Photographer: Kongan

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