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Survive the Holidays!

How to Survive the Holidays as a Couple.

With the year-end approaching, we will be hit back-to-back with those family-orientated occasions. They’re mostly filled with happiness, laughter, and warmth from our partners, pets, and even our drinks! However, they’re also considered one of the most stressful times. Family will be all around us causing chaos, and bombarding us with those endless nosy questions, especially when you’ve just brought home your new significant other. Now, many of you have been asking it, “How do we, as a new couple, survive the holiday?”

My answer is simple. Relax! You are going to get people asking about where you met, what they do, how old they are, and are they thinking about marriage? Yes! Even if it’s your first year of dating, they will ask this. I promise! The only way to handle all that heat being thrown at you is to just relax. It may not seem major, or you may be saying “But I am relaxed, I’m just wondering-” Skert. Don’t wonder; wondering often leads people into a world of trouble; the mind is like a wild stallion, and the minute it takes off it’s almost impossible to bring that horse back into the stable.

Make sure you and your partner also discuss the questioning beforehand. Some information your partner has shared with you could be private, or your partner could consider it something secretive for only you two to know. Make sure boundaries are laid down before you go anywhere. Take the time to sit down before any function and get your story right; make it cute, short and sweet, or keep it simple enough that when they ask for more details, you respond with, “I’ve said all I can”, and that’s the end of it.

This is your relationship; how you decide to approach it or present it to the world is your own choice. Just keep in mind that the family members you see won’t be around as much; they have to go back to their lives of work, school, or family which has absolutely nothing to do with you. Relax, be brave and take the lead. Everything will be fine.

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