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ExadysisMD: Founder of Xi Kappa Gamma

A wise man once said, “Failure is the only opportunity to begin more intelligently.” Well, VXM got the amazing opportunity to sit down with the driven, wise, and optimistic founder of Xi Kappa Gamma. After winning a Miss IMVU contest in her very early days of IMVU, ExadysisMD, or Kat, decided to form her own group. Though her drive was on the right track, it simply was not time for that group to succeed and had soon fell through. Thereafter, in 2012, she was approached to help start another group. Kat decided to form the crest and find a name. Though there was some lack of support, she pushed forward for the official birth of Xi Kappa Gamma. Forming themselves as ladies in transition, the Phoenix became the perfect symbol for XKG.

XKG’s mascot and symbol are the Phoenix and the Fire Goddess. Kat describes her reasoning for this as, “Not only do we take on the rebirth in fire, but to have the renewal of oneself is a constant.” She believes that her life lessons have shaped her to believe that it is not always about who finishes first, but more so the journey of life. When asked if she believes she can achieve all of this with a sorority, Kat confidently state that it is definitely a start, “From the moment a pledge walks through our doors, we are already putting our best foot forward in what to expect.” Kat paints XKG in an ever-changing, constantly growing, and incredibly wise light and she sat with us to tell us more about her journey.

What is the name of your sorority and when was it founded?

Xi Kappa Gamma. It was founded September 1, 2012.

What led to the founding of XKG?

Well, when I started IMVU back in 2007, I won a Miss IMVU 2 Contest as a noob. Then I wanted to start up a sisterhood and so I did. I started up XKS (XzotiKal Sinz) but it fell through after a while because of animosity, hate and lack of support. Then in 2012, My daughter, and niece at the time, came to me wanting to get one going again with them. I proceeded to find a name and designed a crest but we really didn’t have any direction. Since, then I have been pushing to make a difference in Xi Kappa Gamma. XKG Phoenix Goddesses care about many different causes and illnesses and want to show more unity within the Greek Organizations. I want to make a difference. I have always felt that being in a position of recognition for being myself would render me more of a solid foundation to lead young women. It would also aid in development of unity within the community as a whole. I believe in leading by example. Life Lessons have shaped me to believe that it’s not always about who finishes first. But, the journey of reaching a level in life for understanding, loyalty, honesty and trust.

VXM : Wow! Do you think you can achieve all that with a sorority?

It’s a start. From the moment a pledge walks through our doors, we are already putting our best foot forward in what to expect. We are ladies in transition of the highest excellence. Yes, we will have our moments of down time but, we always come back stronger and more diligent in showing what we are all about. This is why we have the phoenix and fire goddess as our symbol and mascot. Not only do we take on the rebirth in fire, but to have the renewal of oneself is a constant. We know that we need work everyday because of the past experiences in our lives.

So you believe work is important to achieve greatness?

Of course. Nothing is worth more, when you know you have put in your full 100 in getting to the first end stage of your journey. Pledging is the first level and crossing is another level. Then, it’s a constant renewal of one’s mindset in how you handle day to day. We not only support each other because of the sisterhood, but we are there for an ear, we pray together, uplift each other and we are not seen often, but when we do show face, it’s to be remembered. The key mindset is to elevate.

Why do you think you are not seen by the public enough?

Thank you. Well, I personally believe when people don’t know much about you or what you’re really trying to do as an organization, they won’t take interest. We have been dormant a few times I have wanted to give up at one point too, but honestly, my Phoenix Goddesses won’t let me. I really couldn’t bring myself to do it. Because, it would defeat the purpose of what I want the sorority to accomplish as a whole. So, I push and will continue to push for them as well as myself.

If you quit, you’d lose everything you worked to achieve. Do you not have much support from other greeks?

I don’t feel I have the support I would like to see. Although, XKG has received support from TPX from jump. We have met a few other organizations that want to collaborate with us. So, we are working to see what can come of that. I would love to work with more Greeks, indeed.

Why do you think you don’t get the support you need? Do you think most organizations hold a different vision to you?

Indeed. Let me be clear; Support can be in many forms, it doesn’t have to be monetary or even show face to each and every event, or even to be cordial with each other. I have many different sorority and fraternity members that have added me during events and scream out unity, but then delete me after a while.

“It’s not about how active you are, it’s the honor you uphold and the name you make for yourself through your actions. Names aren’t made through popularity, names are made through hard work.” Would you agree with that statement?

Exactly, I believe in hard work day in and day out. Even, if you take a break be ready to show what you been preaching on. In addition to that, I truly believe that many organizations on here have great purpose and I commend them on their work as a whole.

What’s one thing you would like us or the viewers to know in closing?

Well, in closing, I would like to say that on behalf of Xi Kappa Gamma, we are thankful for Verve X Magazine having me come through today. I am truly honored. XKG will be around and looking forward to working with many organizations. So, hit me up!

Thank you for your time. It was our pleasure having you.

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