Insignia - Founder of Delta Tau Psi Interview
An incredible 37 female strong sorority! They are the Lady Panthers of Delta Tau Psi founded by Insignia. She gives an insight into her views of Greek unity. We also find out her reasons for teaming up with OTP and how the organizations are affected by the marital status between the founders.
Welcome and thank you for taking this opportunity. We are happy to have you here.
Insignia: Thank you for this opportunity.
Can you give us a brief introduction of yourself and your organization?
Insignia: I go by Nae. My Sorority name is #00 Sr. Sis Nonchalant and I am the founder of Delta Tau Psi Sorority Inc. We were founded back in October 22nd 2013.
You’ve been around for quite some time then. What inspired you to start DTP?
Insignia: In all honesty, I will never downplay my previous sororities. But I just felt that it was time for me to branch out and make my own. I had worked my way up the ladder in my previous one so I thought if I accomplished that goal, why not try to make my own.
Are there any other founders or co-founders?
Insignia: No. At the moment it’s just me, but I do have a wonderful President, Vice President and Ambassador who assist me.
Who are they?
Insignia: xSevda - #14 Sr. Sister Virtuous [President], Xiah - #50 Big Sister Captivating [Vice President], Novela - #29 Sr. Sister Audacious [Ambassador].
How many members does DTP have?
Insignia: We have 37 members.
Gah damn! How do you keep track of the activity of each member?
Insignia: Well I do my best to check in on the sisters whether it’s through inbox or Kik. We have different positions and departments where the ladies can apply where they feel they can do there best to contribute. We also do something we call a Refresh once in awhile which allows us to move the ladies around and give everyone a chance to have a role.
Your brotherhood is Omega Tau Psi. What was the reasoning behind this decision?
Insignia: It was more of a no-brainer. Trophies a.k.a. Sr. Bro Imperial was our Ambassador at the time. He did a great job assisting with the order of things and soon after, the idea of Omega Tau Psi was brought to the table.
So, was DTP co-ed?
Insignia: No, we have always been a sorority. He was the only male and that position was basically made for him at the time.
Was that a personal decision as y’all are married?
Insignia: Honestly, no. We were friends before anything and he is a very neutral, understanding and grounded man. I’ve always valued his opinion regardless of our relationship status.
How does your marriage with the founder of OTP affect the management?
Insignia: It makes it easier, if anything. We know how each other operates so we handle things like clock work. It’s been over 3 years. We are at the point where we tend to finish each other’s sentences sometimes.
How do you handle dating within the Greek Community and within DTP-OTP?
Insignia: We have a system where we allow it one time. So if someone falls for a member of the opposite organization, it’s fine. But if things go bad, do not begin to mess with another member. If they do, we handle it how we see fit. We are all adults so it should dealt with respectfully. We are not Greek Meet so dating should not be a person’s’ main focus when joining.
Does OTP & DTP make mutual decisions and agreements in terms of events?
Insignia: Yes we do. We like to spread it out where we will have separate events as well as bonding events for the brotherhood/sisterhood. Also the departments on both sides communicate well with each other in setting up the calendar.
What’s the proudest moment of your sorority?
Insignia: It would have to be each year on October 22nd because I have made it yet another year with my sisters.
What’s the biggest challenge you faced being a founder of your own organization?
Insignia: Knowing that I am accountable for the wellbeing of 37 ladies. So not everything will always be perfect, but I do my best in letting them know I’m always going to fight to uphold what we stand for and keep DTP in good standing for as long as IMVU allows.
Would you consider having a Junior line?
Insignia: We actually do have Juniors. We have two Junior Sisters now as some have grown and have become Big Sisters. We consider a Junior anyone below the age of 18, by RL age or the age they RP.
Do you have rules in your organization?
Insignia: Yes we have a rules thread to which everyone is to sign. There are also offenses for when they don’t abide by them.
What’s two positive things about your sorority?
Insignia: I would have to say family oriented and dedicated.
And what’s something you wish to better in your organization?
Insignia: No organization is perfect, so I would say communication.
I appreciate your honesty. Do you have any advice or words for someone who wants to pledge DTP?
Insignia: We have a lot of different personalities so my advice would be: If you are looking to join DTP, do it for all the right reasons. Do not just join a sorority because it looks “cute” do your research on us and even come around and chill with us to see if we are something that will fit your personality. Also, be willing to put in just as much effort if you make it into DTP that you did when pledging.
What is the pledging process like?
Insignia: It’s Monday-Friday. Five tasks geared to bond with not only us but amongst each other and also with the Omegas of course as they will be dealing with them as a brotherhood.
How long have you been part of the Greek Community?
Insignia: I think I joined a sorority within 2 years of being on IMVU.
How long ago was that?
Insignia: I’ve been on IMVU since January 2010 and I’ve only been in two other sororities, both I was in at least a year or more.
That’s a very long time! If you could change one thing about the Greek Community, what would it be?
Insignia: The need for competition with some. Everyone is going to have their own outlook on what they expect to gain from a Greek Organization so with there being so many on here now there is no need to speak on who is the best because overall each one is unique in their own way. So just Greek unity in a whole.
I agree entirely. Is that what you wish to gain by hosting spirit week with OTP?
Insignia: Yes exactly. And you can thank Trophies for the idea of Spirit Week along with adding other organizations. It initially started with just OTP/DTP.
If you could give a friendly shout out to one Fraternity and one Sorority, other than your own, who would it be and why?
Insignia: I don’t want to single out just one, but can I say each organization that participated in the Spirit Week because it was at least 18 of us. Everyone contributed their fair share. I saw each organization on stream and IG.
"If you plan to create an organization, do it on a positive note and stand for a greater purpose. I’ve seen so many created and then go ghost after a few months." - Insignia@IMVU
Do you feel that some Greek organizations are created for the wrong reasons?
Insignia: I feel that some can be created because they are trying to “overtake” a previous organization they were part of, so in a sense they make one to throw shots per say.
That’s very true. Before we wrap this up, do you have any final words you would like to share?
Insignia: I will say that I saw a lot of TPX and SNX during Spirit Week. Not all of the members, but the few that I did see repped hard. Also, with the sororities, I will say SPC PrincesaSirenita. she has always supported us no matter what.
Thank you so much for your time. It’s been a pleasure having you.
Insignia: Thank you so much again for having me. It was an honor.