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[LGBTQ+] Be Happy In The Open – Maia Dyson

Maia Dyson has been on Second Life for three years. When she first joined, she quit straight away. But, then returned a year later and she realized how fun, editable SL can be, and decided from that moment on to stay. We asked Maia about her background in the LGBTQ community, along with her thoughts on Pride Month. Read on for more!


What do you think of pride month? “I love it, but I honestly think we should celebrate the LGBTQ community all year around.”

What is the biggest problem for the LGBTQ community at the moment? “I think the biggest problem at the moment is the judgment within the community; we are all here together.”

Do you think it's easier to be accepted these days? “Yes. People are a lot more open about the LGBTQ community.”

When did you first realize your sexuality and how? “I first realized when I was 13; I found my best friend cute. But, it hit me when I knew that I wanted to kiss her.”

Who did you come out to first and how did it go? “I came out to my sisters first; it was a terrifying situation because I didn't know how they would react. After convincing them that I wasn't joking and to not tell our mom, they accepted it. It didn't change anything between us, which was amazing for me because I had read about the stories of families rejecting people after they came out.”

“Be Happy In The Open.”

– Maia Dyson.

How did you tell your mom? “Well, I was planning to do it when I got home that same night. But, my oldest sister told her before I could. I was so mad at her, but my mom accepted it and hit me with the 'I already knew' [laughs]”

Do you think being Gay/Bi is a choice? “Not at all.”

What are the pros to a virtual LGBTQ Community? “The pro is that there are a lot of us.”

Any Cons? “The main con is most of the community don’t get along.”

What would you improve within the LGBTQ Community? “I would love for people not having to fear their families disapproval; it shouldn’t have to be that way.”

What advice do you have for people struggling to come out? “Now is the right time – stop blocking your happiness for the sake of someone else's feelings.”


Disclaimer: the personal views and opinions written in this post are from the writer and do not always express the professional opinion and views of Verve X Magazine.

Interviewer: Destiny

Photos: @dic.ka

Copy Editor: Somiar & Xvd

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