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Leashes on SaintVx: VXM Auction Date

What made you want to bid on that staff member?

I’ve been in touch with Saint for some time now. We always support each other through our campaigns/giveaways, etc. Plus we’ve become great friends along the way. I thought it’d be a good opportunity to have some fun and also be able to give back to Verve X.

How was the date?

It was so much fun. He taught me that cow tongue tacos are actually real - I’ve been thinking it’s been a joke.

How would you describe the entire bidding, winning and dating experience?

Honestly, the bidding started as a complete joke, then I started bidding to win the date and send him and Ru on it instead. When I won I was kinda shocked since so many people were trying to win a date with him. The date itself was magical; he had everything well thought out, never an uncomfortable silence, was completely courteous, and took care of me very well for the evening. Those flowers were also bomb.

Would you go on a date with him again?


Was the date worth the money you spent?

Yes! I got to give a peck on the cheek and got drinks. Money well spent.

What do you think was the best part of the date?

Dancing in the street to beautiful music played by a street guitarist with amazing flip flop.

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