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Zroia on lEspoirl: VXM Auction Date

What made you want to bid on that staff member?

Because we rarely spend time with each other; our schedules are pretty hectic, so this was an opportunity for us to see one another.

How was the date?

The date was AMAZING BALLS (that’s me using her word). LOL. It was really the best date I’ve been on in a long time. She really brought up my spirits.

How would you describe the entire bidding, winning and dating experience?

I think the entire experience was something very different and interesting. When you think of bidding and auctioning a date, you are the person taking the person you bid on out. But this was a first, I liked the idea and the entire concept of it. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to see how the person is, whether they’d take time into coordinating the date or if it’s just wam, bam, thank you ma’am. You know?

Would you go on a date with her again?

I definitely would, not because she is my twin, but because she really cares about people.

Was the date worth the money you spent?

Yes it was. I would have kept bidding if needed be.

What do you think was the best part of the date?

Oh my god! The hot air balloon scared the be-jeezus out of me. It almost tilted and fell into the water.

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