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Making Your Relationship Work

Making a relationship work can be rather mysterious, and unfortunately, there is no manual for it. I've decided to delve into experiences and share the essentials of making a relationship work.

"Us" time.

It's all good being around friends and family, however, you and your partner do need alone time every now and again to recharge yourselves. It is recommended to have at least one date night a week. This can be anything from a night in with movies or a night out on the dance floor. Just make sure you’re giving each other quality and attentive one-on-one time, with no interruptions!

Talk it out.

Talk about things that worry you in your relationship, without being petty picking on the nitty gritty details. You never know, your partner may feel the same worry. Work on a solution and give yourself and your partner time to fix it. Sometimes it can be as simple as reminding each other of your feelings for one another, and how much you mean to one another.


There will be times you will both disagree on decisions, but you will both need to learn to compromise with each other to find a mutual ground of these decisions. Keep in mind, there are two different people in this relationship with different needs - try to stay mindful and respectful of each other in the process.


When you have been in the wrong, learn to set your ego aside, say you’re sorry and really mean it. It can take your relationship much farther than being stubborn. However, it’s just as important to learn to accept an apology. If your partner has set aside the stubbornness and apologized, don’t beat them down for admitting the wrong-doing. Move forward and work it out.

Explore together.

This can be as simple as taking a class together, finding new interests together, doing your hobbies together, travelling together, trying new techniques or even exploring different venues for food, entertainment, etc. It's important to keep things fresh and new with you and your partner.

Be nice.

Do and say things which remind your partner of what they mean to you and how much you love them. This should work both ways. Try sending a meaningful morning text to them about how you feel, and let them know you are thinking of them. It could brighten up their entire day ahead.

Trust them.

Trust is the glue that holds a relationship together. Never compromise the trust you and your partner have with each other. This means, gaining and respecting their trust, but also trusting them in return. Don’t ever let this be questioned.

Every relationship is different, so the above should only be treated as a guideline to help blossom and maintain your relationship. Advice will vary upon the level of issues you may have, and the amount of work you and your partner are prepared to put into your relationship to make it work.

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