What Men Want
What do men really want? Most women expect them to want to watch sports, eat food, and have lots of sex! It’s the social expectation that’s been portrayed in today’s world, and they are expected to live up to this masculine role, otherwise they’re subject of harsh judgement. However, in all reality, men need much more than just sports, food and sex!
But, do we really have to keep to our roles that society has given us or can we step outside those lines and be who we want to be?
Men are very simple creatures and have many of the same wants and needs as women do. Maybe you ladies are thinking, “What do men really want?” First and foremost, men like to be complemented. Go figure! Truth be told, men enjoy it when women compliment them on how they’re dressed. Compliments don’t have to be anything major or simple, though. For example, “I love what you have done with your hair!” You could even go with the classic, “Your ass looks great in those jeans.” Through your compliments, you will have your man feeling on top of the world.
Men also want to feel desired. They love when you squeeze on their biceps or give a lingering stare to remind them that their woman still finds them attractive. Praise them for a job well done, even when it’s something minimal. That small gesture will go a long way. Another thing is to to give credit where credit is due. Men don’t mind losing the small battles, but they will always remember the major wars that they’ve won. To a man, it isn’t important to remember to put down the toilet seat if he is doing his job around the house. So, remember to pick and choose your battles. Is it really necessary to bring up every little thing that you can’t stand about them or would it be better to pick your battles and save your relationship in the end? Just a little food for thought...If it finally comes down to an inevitable fight and there’s no way around it, then men will say that they prefer their women to have a pleasant tone of voice. Even if it’s hard in the moment, the effort put in is what counts. Along with the effort, always remember that there has to be respect for him. Men are human beings and can sometimes make mistakes, but when you hold a level of respect for him, he will appreciate you that much more.
Sometimes, women get caught up in what they want and need from a man. However, they tend to forget what they want and need. Sometimes, you need to show interest in what he wants even if you aren’t interested in what he likes. That is bonding time for you both. The number one thing men can’t stand is nagging or drama that comes with relationships. Steer clear of that and you will be just fine. Last but not least, remember that men need to have their independence. Hanging with the guys for a little while does not mean he is cheating on you. He just needs to have his “me time” where he can drink a beer, watch some sports and chill with the guys. Remember to not make him feel guilty about wanting to do those things. Allowing him to have his “me time” will benefit the relationship in the long run.