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Interview with Robotifide

When is your birthday?

Robotifide: February 25th.

“Pisces are very intrigued by the creativity of musicians and artists.” Would you say this is true to your personal preference?

Robotifide: I would, I can literally watch someone draw/paint for hours. As far as musicians, i grew up in a virtuoso home. My uncles all played instruments and my aunts were singers, church households.

[Robotifide laughs]

As a love interest, would you rather have an artist or musician, or the run-of-the-mill type?

Robotifide: That would all depend on the person. I’m attracted to personality and intelligence, if I can’t learn from you, then there’s no reason to be with you.

Astronomers believe that the Pisces, more than any other sign, are very intuitive with their feelings and are usually wanting to know how their partner feels in the relationship. How do you show your partner you want to know how they feel in the relationship?

Robotifide: Majority of the time I’m super blunt and I just ask. Cause you can tell when something’s wrong with your partner, even if they deny it and claim nothing’s wrong. Most of the time you know why they are upset but you don’t wanna assume and you ask anyway just to be sure.

How you keep your feelings from being ran over?

Robotifide: Sadly, they get ran over often. Usually I can spot it a mile away so I build this wall up and get really cold. I’m cheery most of the time but I mask a lot of hurt under it when my feelings are hurt. I tend to avoid people who give me bad vibes and show disloyalty early.

“Pisces dislike the pressure of making life changing decisions - the more heat off them the better.” How much do you relate to this?

Robotifide: Not at all. I’ve made several life changing decisions in the past, even though I am a fan of more heat being off me.

Is it true that Pisces are more interested in their inner self rather than what their love interest covets?

Robotifide: I would hope they all are because material things don’t compensate for time.

Think of a Pisces as the Mythology major. Anything thats not seen, doesn’t necessarily mean it is not there. They enjoy the knowledge that something bigger and better may be out there whether you can see it or not. Entice that interest they hold. Don’t come to the solid terms of being factual and logical because for them anything could exist. This is a major turn off for a Pisces in general.” How valid is this statement to your life?

Robotifide: Now, I won’t lie and say I’m not a dreamer but, I myself can’t stand beating around the bush. So it’s get to the point or forget the idea completely. I’m all for new ideals or whatever but I’d much rather factual and logical.

Would you like your love interest to do the same?

Robotifide: To be factual? Yes I would.

Pisces don’t feel comfortable around abrasive people. They enjoy dim lighting and smooth settings. Would you agree?

Robotifide: These questions make me realize how unlike a Pisces I am.

[Robotifide laughs]

Robotifide: Abrasive people irritate me more than anything ‘cause sometimes they’re upset for no reason at all. I do like dim lighting though, easier on the eyes.

Can you shed some light as to what your perfect date would be?

Robotifide: Hmmm a perfect date? I love creative dates or heartfelt ones. I’m not really hard to please tbh. I think I’m the easiest date to plan for but I guess that also makes me hard to plan for.

It is said that colors of the sea and ocean are your favorites. Is that true?

Robotifide: Not for me no.

What is your favorite color?

Robotifide: Besides black? Lol. Yellow, Grey, Teal, and Purple

What do you think would be a perfect fantasy scenario for your sign?

Robotifide: Seeing as how I have a dominant personality, I like to be dominated and put in my place ‘cause I enjoy the power struggle.

Would you say that this sign can get a little kinky?

Robotifide: Yes. I really do.

Do you believe you’re seductive?

Robotifide: No.

[Robotifide sighs and laughs]

Robotifide: I’m so awkward that I feel like I look mentally challenged whenever I try to be.

What signs are you attracted to? And what signs are you not attracted to?

Robotifide: I’m attracted to Aries, I’ve noticed that about myself. And I’m not attracted to Sagittarius or Scorpio. I really don’t follow astrology relationship-wise but I avoid Sagittarius and Scorpio.

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