Model Slayhem w/ Cookiee & iMaryJane
Modeling has become such a popular activity on IMVU, so it’s refreshing when people do everything in their power to remain unique and current in the scene. Model Slayhem has accomplished longevity and originality all while remaining fair and keeping the models’ growth in mind. Verve X Magazine’s very own, Katherina, got the opportunity to sit with the two owners, Cookiee and MJ. Keep reading to learn more about their journey to success, rules of the trade, and how they’ve been able to remain true to the craft.
Tell us a little about yourselves.
Cookiee: Well, I'm Cookiee. I spend most of my time on IMVU hanging out with friends. I am a recovering shopaholic but I still spend a lot of my time in shop. But I love every minute of it. I literally wish I could "marry shop" and add it to my profile card [lol]. I am also a freelance model as well as the founder and co-owner of Model Slayhem Fashion Competition here on IMVU.
iMaryJane: My Name Is MJ, I've been modeling & editing for about 4 years now. I've also began creating on IMVU for a few months (consistently, lol). I love modeling and fashion so I guess I'll never really leave it alone completely. That's why I’m here, just helping out people who want to learn and further their modeling careers on IMVU *smiles*
Can you tell us about Model Slayhem?
iMaryJane: Model Slayhem is a fashion modeling competition that involves models of all shapes and styles to "kill" their competition by doing whatever it takes to be the last model standing. Throughout the competition, models will be asked to create screenies, canvas edits, and strut the runway.
Cookiee: It won't be easy because models will be asked think outside the box with each of them fighting to get and stay on top. In Model Slayhem, there's only one thing to remember, "SLAY OR BE SLAYED!"
How did you both come to this idea?
Cookiee: Model Slayhem was inspired by the true growth and creative development of modeling here on IMVU. When I first started modeling on IMVU, I had to learn the fundamental on my own. There was no one there to hold my hand and guide me. Model Slayhem offers models a chance for growth & true competition. It is a very model/viewer centered group & we make true transformation a top priority.
iMaryJane: Every model, no matter where they place in the competition, will take something away that they will be able to add to their skill set of modeling. That’s what we believe separates our competition from others.
Would you say Model Slayhem is meant to be a learning experience where you actually want your models to learn fundamentals and to strive to be better?
iMaryJane: Absolutely!
Cookiee: Took the words right out of my mouth *claps*
Any specific goals for this season or seasons to come?
Cookiee: Our ultimate goal for every season is to allow models the opportunity to learn new things about themselves. So we take them out of their comfort zones and make them explore their creative sides by coming up with innovative competition themes.
Are there any surprises coming to this season?
iMaryJane: This season of Model Slayhem will be slightly different because throughout the entire season models will be slaying the competition with one Partner In Crime (PNC) of choice. Each week, models will be given individual feedback but get a combined score for each challenge as a team. Based on those combined scores determines which pair Slayed The Competition (Round Winners) and which ones Got Slayed (Sent Home).
Cookiee: Also, tons of new themes that will make the models really put their modeling skills & creativity to the ultimate test. In addition, we also have had lots of sponsors that have been donating credits, custom idea, magazine speeds and much more, so the grand prize winners are will be super excited. And as they should be because they earned it! As for twists & turns ..Of course, however it wouldn’t be fun if we spilled the beans. You guys will definitely have to stay tune this season to find out!
iMaryJane: Also, since the models are a team for the entire length of the competition, there will be two grand prizers. This also means that if someone’s partner drops the competition, or posts late, the other model would be sadly disqualified as well. So each model will need to choose wisely.
Disclaimer: iMariJane is no longer part of Model Slayhem. Unfortunately, this interview was conducted before then.
Writer: NabilaHomage
Interviewer: Katherina