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Besticle & FemmeFatale

How did their fashion style impact their relationship?

Have you ever thought about how much your significant others’ fashion sense could have played a part in the attraction to them? We asked FemmeFatale & Besticle, who have been together for a year, what their thoughts on this were and this is what they had to say:

How long have you two know each other altogether?

FemmeFatale: Well we met on my birthday last year, so a year ago.

What did you think of each other’s sense of style when you met?

He was wearing a dress with a baby strapped to him, so I don’t even know how to answer that.

– FemmeFatale

FemmeFatale: But, aside from that, his style is usually very well put together.

Besticle: When I first met her, she was with a fan who wanted to meet me from Instagram. I honestly wasn’t paying much attention to her out of respect. So, I just minded my business and wore my weird dress and baby.

Would you say your fashion sense attracted you to each other?

FemmeFatale: I would say so I like guys who are able to dress themselves and know what looks good, and he knows how to do that.

Besticle: I’m glad I didn’t have to dress her to match my sense of style, I like to go all out. But honestly, I was more attracted to the mind and carrying a conversation.

Is there a specific dress style you love to see eachother in?

Besticle: She looks hot in everything!

FemmeFatale: I love seeing him in suits because he always goes all out and it’s always interesting to see what he comes up with.

If you have to describe eachother’s style, what would it be?

FemmeFatale: Hard to describe; he can go from really dressy to looking like a tennis ball.

How do you feel about those matching couple’s clothing items?

FemmeFatale: I feel like it’s okay for people to match if that’s what they are into. But I’ve seen people who force it on their partner. I feel like you should wear whatever you’re comfortable with.

Besticle: Yeah, we have matched before but we match by accident.

Would you ever wear those matching couple fits?

FemmeFatale: I would color coordinate.

Besticle: I would prefer color coordination.

FemmeFatale: Some of the tee’s are a little cheesy and overdone.

Have you influenced each-other’s fashion sense?

FemmeFatale: He has definitely influenced mine trying to keep up with his.

Who do you think is more picky with their outfit choice?

FemmeFatale: I know he is gonna say me. It takes me forever to find stuff I like.

Besticle: Yeah, we have to plan a whole day or more to pick an outfit for her.

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