Kelie - The Mastermind behind, "The Royals."
Verve X is grateful to have an opportunity to interview one of the masterminds behind the developer group called ‘The Royals’. We are pleased to be here with Kelie@IMVU. An interview where she opens up about herself, her supporters and the group she created with her husband Raddo@IMVU and good friend Cleire@IMVU.
Hello Kellie. Can you start with a little introduction about yourself and how you got in the world of creating?
I started creating this year. My hubby Gus [Raddo@IMVU] taught me how to create avatars.
So you started first with avatars?
I started doing avatars that I wanted for myself.
And now you create pretty much anything for women, correct?
Yes. Skins, Eyebrows, Heads, Avatars, and more.
What is your favorite item to create and work on?
I love doing avatars. Its my strength.
Do you create for work or because you love it?
I do it for work, but also because I love creating and I love that people like what I do. I went up to creator level 0 to 6 in a month.
What is a typical week like on imvu for you?
I create and spend time with my husband and friends.
How do you manage time being a wife, a tier 7 creator, one of the creators of The Royals and still manage time for family and friends?
To be honest it’s hard. Most of the time I try to organize my time since I go to the university, and when I get home I get to see my husband and spend time with him, and from there if I’m with my friends he always joins and hangs with me and my friends in the rooms. After spending some time together is when I get to create, and to make time for everything else besides creating, I try to create every two days. It’s very complicated but I always try to organize my time the best way I can.
Do you and Raddo have any kids and if so, how many and if not, why?
Yes, we have a baby that’s called Thiago <3. He is an imvu baby because right now i wouldn’t like to adopt a kid because of the known issues, like the daughters falling for the dad or the sons for the mothers, etc. That is why we decided to never adopt real imvu kids and to stay with the imvu baby.
How long have you been on IMVU?
I have been on IMVU for 8 years.
You just started creating this year. What did you often do before that?
It was just for fun and a distraction before I met Raddo. Then I started creating this year in March.
What urged you to put together ‘The Royals’?
Since existing clothing brands aren’t allowed on IMVU, I decided to create my own branding.
What makes The Royals different from the other developer groups?
I think that what makes The Royals different is that we all have been friends for a long time. We don’t recruit people we don’t know and that’s how we all support each other within. There’s a lot of people that send us messages asking to become a member and that they want the badge but they don’t know that we are a group of very good friends. Like a family. I consider the girl members my best friends on here - Cleire, Micole, Exzy, DezzBanks, Grandpa y Kty.
So only friends and family are allowed to join The Royals?
Yes, only good friends are allowed to become members of The Royals. We could get more but we think that 12 members is already more than enough. We are 6 girls and 6 boys. I am really happy and excited.
How did you meet the girls?
Cleire is my best friend in real. I’ve known her ever since we were young. We have always supported each other through the good and bad. She is a very good creator. Micole is my sister in law. They’re both my sisters in law lol. Micole I met through my husband. Exzy, I met once in my public room, and ever since then we have been good friends. I wasn’t a creator yet then. good times :P
DezzBanks I met as a creator. I used to buy her clothes and one day she made me a custom. And it was wonderful! I loved it. Ever since then we have been such good friends!
What are the future plans of The Royals?
We have a lot of plans, first of all we would like to better the image of the group and the layout and continue to support each other always <3.
What is your opinion on the creators that were recently disabled by IMVU?
It makes me so sad when I think about it. I put myself in their place and I feel so bad, I know it is very hard to get where they were and so many good creators that were disabled were really very good creators, I believe some were the best creators of IMVU, and some of them were my friends that I will always support.
Who do you look up to as a creator on here?
I dont admire anyone on here, but theres some very good creators. Cleire, DezzBanks, Exzy, Micole, Grandpa, Jaq, Nessah, MrsPhilly, MissC, IZIS, Java, Fine, Deloure, Kty and more :D
Being a member of The Royals, do you get along with the other developer members, like The Pack, The Crew and The Coast?
Of course! I get along very well with other developer members being any group they are a member of. Actually, some of them are my friends and I will always support them in anything they do, they know that I am always here for them for whatever they need.
What made you make your own developer group instead of joining existing developer groups?
I think it’s because of the love we have for one another and we are a lot to join another group. But more than anything the love, care and support we have for one another as good friends and family. Thats what’s unites us and keeps us strong. The Royals feels more like a family than a dev group and we are all very good creators. I am very proud of my girls.
How do you keep good communication among the members?
We speak a lot. Whenever I am online I am with them. Future plans are to make a room from my friend Kty@imvu. We want our own ‘The Royals’ public room and that’s where we’ll create. We share ideas and give each other feedback.
That’s good. Are there any rules that the members have to follow or they can create whatever they want?
Yes, they have to have TR logo in their icons and have The Royals badges on their cards. If they don’t want to have the TR logos in their icons, They can just write ‘The Royals’ like Get and DezzBanks for example.
Is there anything else you would like to add, some end words to finalize?
Yes of course. I want to say thank you to everyone that supports me. Thank you girls for giving me the support and buying my products! I love you ladies a lot, if you’re reading this..i send you a big hug! and I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and visions with us. We wish you all the best and look forward to having a conversation and interview with the rest of The Royals member for our future issues.
Thank you for having me :) and of course!