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Creator Interview: Nigist

When did you start creating?

About 1 year ago. I could've create a while ago but, not having the right tools and experience I needed, I fell short.

What do you enjoy about it?

I enjoy most, that I get to create anything. I know that it's pretty hard for me to find a outfit, but an avi is much more important.

What motivated you to start?

Well, for one, I don't like to take orders from anyone; working and taking sh*t from my french boss kinda made me realize it. So, I started working in the restaurant business, but I hated it. I said I'm better than this and I figured out a way to convert my credits to RL money - it was a wrap from there! I’m also motivated by the people that doubt me and say that I can't do this and that.. Oh yeah, I'm here b*tches! And it's also funny because growing up on IMVU - I invested 10 years into this btw - I shopped all the people that was hot back then, who aren't hot now, and they're giving me all this ‘tude today. So, that's my motivation there. Society.

Would you say that you're here to stay for the long run?

Life is about figuring out who you are really, and I'm doing just that. Learning and processing while I go. I have seen some gooood creators go, and I kinda miss the old vibe to IMVU. But hey, we can't dwell on the past forever. In 2017, I hope that I get to replenish at least some but of the old flow of IMVU. I would like to say that I'm here to stay. As long as I'm alive, I will continue to support myself and long live.

What were your struggles when you started and what kept you going?

Confidence is #1 of who I am. Even when you're good, people still talk, so you have to have tough skin. There are times where I am on my knees battling with myself because recognition is something that was spared to me. When I'm out here giving you a piece of me, I expect you to give me some shine. I think I deserve it. I've learned this year to keep going. I gotta keep going, and stop letting them get to me. They’re doing them. I can't always have that competing mentality, because imitation is suicide. You'll kill yourself trying to be like them.

Has IMVU affected your real life in any way?

Yes, straight up depression. This ties in with the quote, “Imitation is suicide.” Dealing with IMVU alone is a lot on the brain, and then dealing with the rl. Some of us escape from the rl to come to this fantasy world. Me, I create and it gets me down when I have to put up in my bio things so people can remember me. I feel like someone is always tugging at me. So, I have to talk to myself and really create things that I want to create, not things I see on IG or things that are already trending. I wanna be the total opposite of all that. Some weeks ago, I was down bad but IMVU helped me out the last rough times. I'm slowly getting through the dirt ya know. By Christmas, I will be good thanks to IMVU and my supporters.

So, if you’re not conforming to the trends, what inspires your creations?

If I told you that it comes from within me, would you believe me? This may seem weird but sometimes it's hard for me to do side by side imitations of like avatars. Sometimes it feels like a job and then I don't wanna do it anymore. But when I think of, say for example me hanging from a tree, my mind gets going and it's fun.

Does your avatar on IMVU reflect you in real life?

Yes most certainly. When I stray away from my creations, I tend to remind myself of who I'am. I made four avatars, and they were ballet poses. I like to dance, and it takes me somewhere, ya know? I like to keep it as realistic as possible. Also, before I became who I am now, I made an avatar that I am not so proud of now; it was of me in a very dark place. The avi name is: BTA. At the time, I was going through some hell so I made a avatar of a gun pointing to my head, but I made it 2-poses. The other pose was of me not being able to pull the trigger, so the arm rests by the side.

Do you often create based off your feelings?

Yes. This past week, I've been focusing on myself so my creations are a bit everywhere and that's fine. There's not a certain way to do 'my thing' so why stress it.

What else do you feel sets you apart from other creators?

Well, I'm a model in RL, and it's very natural for me. I like and admire my body so much I think I'm a nudist. [Nigist laughs]. I can also animate anything. When I'm pushed to create next level things, I’m good at it. I don't just make a pose, I feel it. Some people just think you can move some legs and arch the back. Noo, it's much more, almost some beauty to it.

How would you compare modelling in RL to IMVU?

I would say that I like to model both as equal honestly. IMVU, because it lets me be even more creative, beyond my imaginations sometimes.

Are there any downfalls to being a pretty well known creator such as yourself?

Oh yes! I wanna say that since I've been on the "top" I've been getting a lot of heat. Some good, some bad. I've learned this year to distinguish between the two. The only downside that I've experienced is my health and eating habits. You get so worked up in putting your work up for display, and you forget you're still starving from yesterday.

Are you content with how far you’ve come since you’ve started creating?

Yes, I'm sorta happy. I started out with $10 for a month membership, and now I'm here. I've come a long way and to see me now is just amazing. I'm so thankful to have IMVU and it’s creator program. It's very helpful.

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